Route 66 Wings - Classic Shield Chrome

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Quantity Discount:
Large Wings combine to reach levels.
Small Wings combine to reach levels.
Quantity Discount
50-99 $.13
100-149 $.26
150+ $.39
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These high quality Route 66 wings are individually carded - large on 3.5” x 3.5” cards and small on 2.25” x 2.25” cards. Each card is bagged and display ready with UPC codes. The packaging is designed to make a bold and eye catching Route 66 statement!

Wing is bright silver plated. Shield is white and black enamel.

Available as a pin in two sizes:

Large Pin Size: 3 1/8" wide, two butterfly clutch backs

Small Pin Size: 2 1/8" wide, two butterfly clutch backs

Backside Attachment

1 Butterfly Clutchback:
2 Butterfly Clutchbacks:
Verticle Bar Style Pin:

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