Route 66 State Pin - Missouri

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Enameled LARGE pins combine to reach levels.
Enameled SMALL pins combine to reach levels.
Quantity Discount
50-99 $.11
100-149 $.22
150+ $.33
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Missouri not only has some of the most scenic views of Route 66, it also has dozens of vintage icons along the old highway. Route 66 follows a much older trail through Missouri, the Great Osage Trail a major Indian path across the state. You will discover something new around every bend in Missouri.

These high quality Route 66 pins are individually carded on 2.25” x 2.25” cards. Each card is bagged and display ready with UPC codes. The packaging is designed to make a bold and eye catching Route 66 statement!

Die struck, white & black enamel, military clutchback.

Pin Size: 7/8"

Available in these platings:

Backside Attachment

1 Butterfly Clutchback:
2 Butterfly Clutchbacks:
Verticle Bar Style Pin:
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