Kosovo Campaign Medal (KCM)

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Kosovo Campaign Medal

(a) Criteria. The Kosovo Campaign Medal (KCM) was established by Executive Order 13154, May 3, 2000. It is awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States who, after March 24, 1999, meet the following criteria:

(1) Participated in or served in direct support of Kosovo Operation(s): ALLIED FORCE; JOINT GUARDIAN; ALLIEDHARBOUR; SUSTAIN HOPE/SHINING HOPE; NOBLE ANVIL; or Kosovo TASK FORCE(S): HAWK, SABER; or HUNTER within the Kosovo Air Campaign or Kosovo Defense Campaign areas of eligibility.

(i) Kosovo Air Campaign. The Kosovo Air Campaign began on March 24, 1999 and ended on June 10, 1999. The area of eligibility for the Air Campaign includes the total land area and air space of Serbia (including Kosovo), Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Italy and Slovenia; and the waters and air space of the Adriatic and Ionian Sea north of the 39th North latitude.

(ii) Kosovo Defense Campaign. The Kosovo Defense Campaign began on June 11, 1999 to a date to be determined. The area of eligibility for the Defense Campaign includes the total land area and air space of Serbia (including Kosovo), Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, and the waters and air space of the Adriatic Seas within 12 nautical miles of the Montenegro, Albania, and Croatia coastlines south of 42 degrees and 52 minutes North latitude.

(2) Service members must be bona fide members of a unit participating in or be engaged in direct support of the operation for 30 consecutive days in the area of eligibility or for 60 nonconsecutive days provided this support involves entering the operations area of eligibility for meet one or more of the following criteria:

(i) Be engaged in actual combat, or duty that is equally as hazardous as combat duty, during the operation with armed opposition, regardless of time in the area of eligibility;

(ii) While participating in the operation, regardless of time, is wounded or injured and requires medical evacuation from the area of eligibility.

(iii) While participating as a regularly assigned aircrew member flying sorties into, out of, within, or over the area of eligibility in direct support of the military operations.

(b) The Kosovo Campaign Medal may be awarded posthumously to any person who lost his or life without regard to the length of such service.

(c) One bronze service star will be worn on the suspension and service ribbon of the KCM for participation in each campaign (Kosovo Air Campaign and Kosovo Defense Campaign). Qualification for a second bronze service star requires meeting the criteria for both campaigns. The 30 consecutive or 60 nonconsecutive days that begin during the Air Campaign and continues into the Defense Campaign entitles a member to only one bronze service star.

(d) Description. The medal is bronze, 13/8 inches in diameter, with the stylized wreath of grain, reflecting the agricultural domination of the area and its economy, symbolizes the basic human rights while highlighting the desire of all for peace, safety and prosperity. The rocky terrain, fertile valley, and mountain pass refer to the Dinartic Alps and the Campaign Theater of operations. The sunrise denotes the dawning of a new age of unity and hope; the right to forge a future of freedom, progress and harmony, thus fulfilling the goal of the Alliance. On the reverse an outline of the Yugoslavian Province of Kosovo, denoting the area of conflict, is combined with a NATO star and highlighted compass cardinal points, signifying the Alliance participants who stabilized the region and provided massive relief. The inscription IN DEFENSE OF HUMANITY reinforces the objective of the action. The ribbon is 13/8 inches in width. It is composed of the following vertical stripes: 15/32 inches Old Glory Blue 67178; 7/64 inch Scarlet 67111; 5/32 inch White 67101; 7/64 inch Old Glory Blue 67178; 15/32 inch Scarlet 67111.

Backside Attachment

1 Butterfly Clutchback:
2 Butterfly Clutchbacks:
Verticle Bar Style Pin:

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